Basic SEO Guidelines for Beginners

          Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key technique of Internet Marketing. SEO is mainly using for a purpose of improving your site rank into a better position. The main goal of SEO is to reach people in an organic way and get business through online. A SEO person works hardly for his site to achieve the No: 1 position in Google results page. The results pages will be called as Search Engine Result Page (SERP) in SEO.

Types of SEO:

          SEO is classified into two major parts, which are Onpage Optimization and Offpage Optimization. These 2 methods of SEO are mainly using to achieve organic results in search engine. Designing a website with SEO friendly will be a great advantage for the Site. Many websites are still not indexed in Google due to improper site structure, Webmaster Errors and not SEO friendly. A strong SEO will maintain your website traffic and page rank for long time.
SEO Types
Types Of SEO
Onpage Optimization:

           In SEO Onpage part is very important because your website should be unique when comparing the competitor sites. Initial step in Onpage optimization is analysing the website and finding the drawbacks. The main steps of Onpage optimization are:
  1. Site Analysis
  2. Competitors Analysis
  3. Keyword Research
  4. Meta Tags – Meta Title, Meta Description, Meta Keywords
  5. URL Suggestions
  6. Inner Links
  7. Image Alt Tag
  8. Adding a Sitemap, Robots and 404 error page
  9. Google Webmaster tool

Offpage Optimization:

               In SEO Offpage optimization is a second important part, because a site PageRank and traffic rates can vary each month. But maintaining the site and improving its PageRank and traffic will be achieved by Offpage works. Major thing in offpage is backlinking. The main steps of Offpage optimization are:
  1. Article Submissions
  2. Search Engine Submissions
  3. Bookmarking
  4. Directory Submissions
  5. Classified Ads Submissions
  6. Press Release
  7. Document Sharing
  8. Forum and Blog Comments (Only Dofollow)

             Backlinks of a website should be in quality because low quality backlinks will reduce your site rank. Offpage part should be limit and perfect in SEO because too much of submissions will cause errors and become spam. So avoid black hat SEO techniques and go in a right way to achieve the best result for your site.



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