News360 takes the Place of Google Reader

News360 replacing Google Reader
           Google launched Google reader at 2005 to help people for find their favourite websites. Now Google reader has lost its worth due to many years of usage. So, on 1st July 2013 Google reader going to quit its job completely. Google reader has lost his value among people due to the domination of other Google products like Google+ for the use of news.

           At present News360 has 3 million users, its unique aspects of satisfying the actual need of the user and capacity of handling various issues of readers is an advantage. CEO Of News360, MR. Roman Karachinsky tells "Instead of giving you updates on a specific set of feeds, we’re about understanding your interests and finding great content specifically for you — from sources you might not even know about yet. Essentially, we focus on helping users discover new, important content in line with personal interests, rather than just regurgitating existing feeds".

Google Reader
          He also added that “All the things that people import from Google Reader when they create their account are stored within News360, so nothing will get lost when Google Reader shuts down”. They are focusing mainly on feed based consumption in its upcoming apps to help readers.

          News360 will justify the place of Google reader with its unique and attractive way. They are also in a plan of adding partners in coming days.    

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